Helping Hands Day Nursery's response to
Steps we have taken:
Hand Washing and Temperature Check
Increased hygiene procedure. Children, Parents, Carers and Staff temperatures checked on arrival and departure.
Hand washing facilities with soap and warm water in place.
Stringent hand washing taking place.
Paper towels/hand dyers for drying of hands
Staff to hand out paper towel to children always
Staff full assistance with younger children
See hand washing guidance.
Gel sanitisers in any area where washing facilities not readily available
Frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in areas of high use such as door handles, light switches, reception area using appropriate cleaning products and methods.
Cleaning procedures and rotas reviewed and increased in high traffic areas, including banisters, door handles, light switches, children and staff locker handles, throughout the day.
Check and ensure adequate supplies of standard cleaning products.
Soft / fabric toys reduced where possible.
Management carry out rigorous checks to ensure that the necessary procedures are being followed. i.e. cleaning rotas have time slots with named staff who is responsible for daily cleaning and they sign, and date once completed.
Social Distancing
Children and staff in nursery will be kept in 'social bubbles' of three to four with their key person.
Social Distancing –Where appropriate reducing the number of groups / persons in one area, for example “circle time”
Staff breaks staggered throughout the day
Review staff brake out areas to follow Public Health England
Develop procedures to prevent parents grouping at drop off / collection and entering the setting following guidance by the Public Health England
Parents given individual time slots for dropping off and picking up children daily
Taking steps to review work schedules to reduce number of practitioners at any one time while still maintaining required ratios.
Staff days and time in attendance staggered to reduce number without compromising ratios
Ensure social distancing procedures are in place and followed by non-staff entering the setting e.g. contractors, deliveries.
Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E) implemented
Face shields
Breathable anti pollution - dust proof masks
Disposable aprons and gloves worn throughout the day
Any discarded P.P.E is put into double lined bin bags and safely disposed of in 72 hours
Posters and stickers have been placed around the nursery to display clear guidance of how to operate safely in this global pandemic.